Justin, thanks so much for your comment on yesterday's piece about abortion, evangelicals, and Donald Trump. It's very thoughtful and on point--the IVF dimension to the debate does illuminate the complexity of the issue and the folly, I think, of those trying to impose their will, rather than opening their minds and hearts. Much appreciated.

warm regards, Tim

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It's easy for so- called "pro-lifers" to mouth the words that "life begins at conception". But one does not really know one's own values until they are tested against loss, as you mentioned regarding the life of the mother.

I challenge anyone who claims to believe that a human embryo is the moral equivalent of a baby, to consider this: You are a mother of a newborn baby, and you are in the maternity ward. Your baby is in the newborn nursery down the corridor to the left. Down the corridor to the right is the IVF clinic where you have two frozen embryos. A fire breaks out and you have time to save your newborn baby or your two frozen embryos. Which will you choose? Now ask yourself this: How many frozen embryos would you have to save to justify abandoning your newborn baby as the “moral” choice?

Justin StormoGipson, MD

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